What is Magic Mouthwash
Jul 31, 2023 By Madison Evans

Are you experiencing persistent oral pain or discomfort? Have you heard of magic mouthwash but don't know much about it? If so, then this blog post is for you! In this post, we'll dive into magic mouthwash and discuss what it is, how it works, potential side effects, and more.

We'll show how magic mouthwash can relieve those suffering from certain dental symptoms – while potentially preventing others. So get ready to kick your toothache to the curb with a little help from a swish of magical liquid!

What Is Magic Mouthwash

Magic mouthwash, a miracle or secret mouthwash, is an over-the-counter medication used to treat the painful symptoms of oral mucositis.

It is a mixture of ingredients that vary depending on the type and extent of the treated condition. Generally, it contains antihistamines, local anesthetics, antacids, antifungals, corticosteroids, and antibiotics.

The main purpose of magic mouthwash is to provide quick relief from the pain associated with oral mucositis. It numbs the affected area and creates a protective coating around it.

This helps reduce discomfort while providing necessary medication directly to the sore site.

The medications found in magic mouthwash are formulated to fight inflammation, reduce bacterial growth, and combat fungal infections.

Ingredients In Magic Mouthwash

Magic mouthwash is a special mixture of medications used to treat various oral health conditions.

Depending on their needs, it's typically mixed in a pharmacy and often compounded specifically for an individual or group of individuals. This makes it unique from other pharmaceutical treatments that use ready-made solutions.

The ingredients found in magic mouthwash vary greatly, but some common components are found in most formulations.


Diphenhydramine (also known as Benadryl) is an antihistamine medication commonly used in many types of magic mouthwash formulas.

Antihistamines can help reduce inflammation and swelling associated with certain dental issues, such as sore gums or canker sores. It can also help relieve itching and dryness in some cases.


Many magic mouthwash formulas contain antacids, such as aluminum hydroxide/magnesium hydroxide/simethicone (Maalox). Antacids are used to form a protective coating over the affected area, which helps to provide relief from pain and discomfort. They may also neutralize acidity in the mouth and create a more hospitable environment for healing.

Viscous Lidocaine

Viscous lidocaine is an anesthetic medication sometimes added to magic mouthwash formulations. This type of lidocaine is thicker than other forms and works by numbing the nerves inside your mouth, which can help relieve pain and sensitivity to stimuli.


Nystatin is an antifungal medication that may be found in some magic mouthwash formulations. It's used to stop or prevent fungal growth that could be causing oral conditions such as thrush, a common yeast infection of the mouth. This ingredient might also be included if there is evidence of other fungal infections in the mouth.


Corticosteroid medications are sometimes added to magic mouthwash formulas for their anti-inflammatory properties. Hydrocortisone is one example of a corticosteroid that can reduce swelling and inflammation associated with certain dental conditions.


Some magic mouthwash formulas may also contain antibiotics, such as tetracycline, which can help to treat infections that could be causing oral health issues. Antibiotics work by killing the bacteria that are causing the infection and helping to speed up recovery time.

Magic mouthwash is a custom-made mixture of medications designed to provide relief from a variety of oral health conditions. The ingredients found in this type of formulation vary greatly and will depend on the individual's needs.

Benefits of Magic Mouthwash

Combining several active ingredients, magic mouthwash can provide various oral health benefits that can help relieve pain, prevent or treat infections, and moisturize dry mouths. Regular use is an effective way to maintain good dental hygiene and a healthy mouth.

Soothes Mouth Pain

The primary purpose of magic mouthwash is to alleviate the symptoms of oral discomfort, including soreness and irritation from dental procedures or other causes. It works by numbing the area with active ingredients like lidocaine and benzocaine, allowing you to enjoy some relief from pain.

Kills Bacteria in Your Mouth

Magic mouthwash contains antimicrobial agents such as chlorhexidine gluconate, which can help to reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth. This can be beneficial when you have a bacterial infection causing painful symptoms.

Prevents or Treats Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums caused by bacteria and plaque buildup. Magic mouthwash can help to prevent periodontal disease from developing or treat it if it has already occurred. Chlorhexidine gluconate kills the bacteria that cause this disease and reduces inflammation in the gums, which helps to speed up recovery time.

Reduces Inflammation and Swelling

Magic mouthwash contains anti-inflammatory ingredients like benzocaine, lidocaine, and diphenhydramine that can reduce inflammation and swelling in the mouth. This is especially helpful if you have canker sores or other ulcers in your mouth.

Prevents Foul Breath

Many of the ingredients found in magic mouthwash are also effective at reducing bad breath. Chlorhexidine gluconate is particularly effective at killing bacteria that cause bad breath, while menthol and eucalyptus oils help to cover up any odors with a pleasant taste.

Moisturizes Dry Mouth

If you suffer from dry mouth due to medications or medical conditions such as Sjogren's syndrome, magic mouthwash can be an effective remedy. It contains moisturizing ingredients like glycerin and sorbitol that help to replenish the fluids in your mouth and reduce dryness.

Helps Heal Wounds and Ulcers

Magic mouthwash also contains healing ingredients such as aloe vera or vitamin E, which can help to speed up the healing process for wounds and ulcers in the mouth. These ingredients also protect against further infection or irritation of existing sores.

Freshens Breath

Finally, many varieties of magic mouthwash contain minty flavors like spearmint or peppermint that will leave your breath smelling fresh and clean after use.

How Do I Use Magic Mouthwash

To use magic mouthwash properly, you should always follow the instructions given to you by your provider.

An example is shaking well before using and swishing 1-2 teaspoons every 4-6 hours as needed for pain. It's important not to swallow this medication unless instructed to do so to avoid potential side effects like sleepiness, nausea, and upset stomach.

After using this mouthwash, it is recommended to wait 30 minutes before eating or drinking as this may wash away the medication before it has had a chance to work. With proper use, magic mouthwash can be an effective way of relieving oral pain and discomfort.

However, when used in excess, it may cause adverse effects and should be consumed only as per the instructions given by a healthcare professional. As with any medication, it's important to consult your healthcare provider before using magic mouthwash.

Can I Make My Magic Mouthwash At Home

Making your magic mouthwash at home is only advised if you have specific instructions from your healthcare provider. Magic mouthwash is a prescription medication, and many ingredients are unavailable over the counter (OTC).

A pharmacist can mix the medication according to the directions on your prescription. If you need help finding a pharmacy that can make it or is too expensive, talk to your healthcare provider about alternative options.


Does Magic mouthwash heal or just numb?

Magic mouthwash can both heal and numb. It contains ingredients like lidocaine, benzocaine, diphenhydramine, chlorhexidine gluconate, aloe vera, vitamin E, and more that relieve pain and discomfort while killing bacteria and reducing inflammation.

How often can I use magic mouthwash?

Generally speaking, you should swish 1-2 teaspoons of the medication every 4-6 hours as needed for pain relief.

Are there any side effects associated with magic mouthwash?

Some common side effects of magic mouthwash include sleepiness, nausea, upset stomach, and dizziness.


Magic mouthwash can be a great way to relieve oral pain and discomfort while preventing or treating infections, moisturizing dry mouths, reducing inflammation and swelling, freshening breath, and helping heal wounds and ulcers. Remember to always use it as prescribed and never exceed the recommended dosage. If you experience any side effects, stop taking the medication immediately and contact your healthcare provider for further instructions. With proper care and usage, magic mouthwash can help keep your mouth healthy and pain-free!